We believe that GPTs will be like cars, with many producers, and that LLMs will become even more specialized, focusing on learning from your data and user behavior. That's why we position us as the Uber, Airbnb, or Stripe of secure generative AI.
Uber is more useful than most car manufacturers and is worth more than Mercedes, Volkswagen, and Ford combined. If we are right, SEEYOU will become more useful and valuable than most LLMs.
We Believe
That generative AI will advance more rapidly than any technology in human history.
Better query augmentation is key to optimizing AI chip and energy utilization
That generative AI for consumers will be free, and B2C providers will rely on advertising derived from user behavior and data.
The B2B market will be inundated with specialized GPTs, which will focus on targeted tasks driven by increased processing capabilities and a relentless push to learn from data and user behavior.
That AI's ability to learn from your behavior relative to your data is a catastrophic singularity. LLM learning exposes thinking patterns, data, and internet interactions, and once exposed, this information cannot be retracted.
That ringfencing internal LLMs is an illusion. Users are connected to the Internet, and GPTs require regular updates, which can lead to cataclysmic security breaches within an all-seeing LLM.
You cannot trust anyone to build a single LLM that can guarantee it will not learn from your data inadvertently or through third-party malintent.
The only way to prevent LLM learning with certainty is to ensure no LLM sees entire queries or sequential user behavior.
Internet searches must be physically separated from GPTs so they cannot infer or learn from external data and information collection.​
The associated query data must be fragmented to prevent LLMs from inferring complete data sets from partial queries.
That data and queries should be encrypted to military-grade standards so that only you can read the query results and associated data.
LLM aggregators are highly risky, allowing many GPTs to access all your data and activities.
Not using LLMs is even riskier, as employees may use them privately outside the company ecosystem, posing infinite exposure.
The rapid evolution of LLMs makes vendor-locking to a single GPT provider a sustainable competitive disadvantage.
You can and should handle low- and no-risk data through bundles from your SaaS providers, while sensitive information and tasks should always involve query fragmentation and model rotation.
Our job is to safely save company resources and enable what is otherwise nearly impossible.
Moore's Law applies to our industry. We must double our effectiveness and user value every 18 months to stay ahead.
Parts of our technology should always be freely available to consumers in a limited format.
By reading up on SEEYOU’s values, you should be able to understand nearly everything we do as a company and how we aim to benefit you as a client or investor over time.